[軟體]vray for sketchup 1.48.83最新版本
asgvis 剛剛發佈了最新版本的vsf
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改版說明! 7 g9 [8 N* p# u1 \2 z7 s% ^& k
8 v# ^6 j5 X! o# f
We are pleased to announce that we are ready with a patch for V-Ray for SketchUp.
This patch (version 1.48.83) will address certain issues pertaining to DR, materials, and hang-ups. Highlights of the changes include:; E; E# p: l- w0 E% y! a
• Fixes to DR functionality.
• Improvements to material editor functionality.9 q; o; a G+ [4 _- @: M0 b$ U
• Localization issues involving file/material names.; `. c4 J0 x/ h4 `5 t0 J9 Q3 s: w
• Closing Sketchup while a render is in progress will no longer hang.- o, ]- M, I/ p- q
• Fixed a glitch in the VFB that prevented re-sizing after clicking the framebuffer options button." N0 m {/ P X0 q
• Fixed minor issues with Material Preview.
• Fixed spinbox issues with non-english OSs.
• Fixed problem where R2P.rb would not be found if SketchUp wasn't installed into a path structure; r/ |( Z; C# _, R1 @: Q2 |
that we expected (Google SketchUp 7/Sketchup/ or some other iteration that says the SketchUp
version number)
目前可以確定的是 ( W) J( L: ?, X7 d, w5 g
2.解決了前一版本渲染無法即時 停止的問題 (現在關掉渲染視窗就可以停止了喔): {' C4 C! I# d$ G
+ _' @( ` Y; s2 X3 a8 ?
也希望朋友有測試出 其他已修正的問題
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